Joe Albanese

Dating has never been a strength for Teagan. In fact, most of her dates consist of one night stands with married men. Second dates only include blackmail. Trapped as the third wheel of her friend, Mara and her boyfriend, Brandon, Teagan has only seen normal relationships from the outside. That may change when […]

Evan Summers is a detective with a shameful past, a muddled present, and an uncertain future. While investigating a series of gruesome murders and trying to battle his alcoholism, Summers will try to reconnect with his young son.
But when a break in the case puts his family at risk, it will be up to […]

Wick was a normal young man, passing his days at a part-time job and wasting his nights with friends and booze. That was until someone smashed a brick to the side of his head and knocked Wick’s life upside down. The culprit, Kenny, a young man in a dire situation, has only one goal: to […]