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Staying Alive

Weird Romance Book 2

By Alison Jean Ash   

Nerdy scientist Egbert January has been Octavia Buck’s “Uncle Egg” for twenty-two years. The adorable baby that just happens to have four tentacles in addition to the more usual arms and legs has grown up to be a beautiful young woman who lo

oks like a cross between an octopus and a Hindu goddess—a goddess with some remarkable sexual skills. Eg has a few skills of his own, and he hates to watch Tavi wasting hers on a guy who doesn’t treat her right. (He can’t stop watching, though, through his secret observation window.)

Add Catherine Buck, Tavi’s unconscious mother, whose latent telekinetic skills are awakened by Tavi’s visits, and Luke, a vengeful ex-boyfriend whose plan to annoy Tavi goes spectacularly haywire, for a bizarre, steamy and ultimately romantic tale.