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A Lost Life

By Lauren Marie   

Turner Black works for a group, Lost Souls, in Seattle that helps find people who were separated from loved ones for one reason or another. He’s hired to find the half-sister of Stewart Tarver. Their shared father has passed away and left her part of a large inheritance.

Turner finds Rae Smith working as a stripper at a dance club in Tracy, California. She always wanted to be a ballet dancer, but the death of her mother took that dream away. She moves from one club to another, and is happy to just survive.

Turner and Rae are drawn to each other, but she isn’t big on commitments and doesn’t want to deal with the inheritance game. It means going back to Seattle and the lost memories of her mother are too much to bear. And someone tries to kill her and then kidnaps her for sale to a slave trader in Hong Kong.  

Will Rae be able to trust Turner to keep her safe?