Not everyone is a football fan. Some people can’t stand it. Put Laura at the top of that list. But she wants a night out at the ballet with her husband so badly that she agrees to go to a football party with him. She drinks a little too much wine, and the results aren’t […]
Judy Moore

3 holiday stories by one of your favorite Christmas authors, Judy Moore.
Airport Christmas Getting snowed in on an airport layover during Christmas would be a terrible experience for most people. But for thirteen-year- old Jack, twelve-year- old Ethan, and eleven-year- old Lily, it’s the adventure of a lifetime. Traveling by themselves from their mother’s […]

Christmas Interrupted Book 3
It’s Christmas Eve, and Renee is a mess. She has barely slept or eaten for two weeks. Her hair is ratted, her eyes are puffy and bloodshot, and her clothes are filthy. In the throngs of an anxiety attack, she decides to commit suicide by jumping off a nearby bridge, though the thought of it […]

(Christmas Interrupted Book 2
A recent graduate of UCLA, Molly McAlister has just landed her first job and loves it.
The problem is her demanding boss, who seems to think he’s in charge of her free time too. Under threat of layoff, her boss manipulates her into giving up Christmas with her family in Florida to pet-sit his two […]

Sally Braddock lives a serene lifestyle on top of a mountain in Vail, Colorado, with her Scandinavian housekeeper and her two Labradoodles. A widow who, like her husband, was a world class athlete, she swims, skis, paints watercolors, and helps out local charities. If you didn’t know her background, you’d never guess she was one […]