Here's my writing process. By Author Beth Wilson

Does it need any preface or closure?

My first step is the idea. In Worth It, that was simply “girl and guy with big age difference.” The main characters come next, and a general direction for the story with the desired ending. Then I add secondary characters and plot, and start writing the scenes. Once I get to the end, I rewrite a couple of times, and then edit. My favorite method is to write the first draft during National Novel Writing Month in November, because it gives me such a boost to get it done so quickly and because it’s so fun to spend a month with other writers pounding away at the keyboard! The rest of the process is fun, too, though. After writing a good scene, I always feel energetic and happy.


When I set out to write a story or a novel, the first step for me is the idea. In Worth It, that was simply “girl and guy with big age difference.” I’ve always heard that you should write what you know, so I tend to develop the idea in a location I’m familiar with, and with jobs that I’ve had or that a friend has.

The main characters come next, and a general direction for the story with the desired ending. Occasionally I’m not sure of the ending until I get a little ways into the story, but it works best if I know where I’m going before I start trying to get there.

After that, I add secondary characters, plot, and subplot, and then it’s time to start writing the scenes. My favorite method is to write the first draft during National Novel Writing Month in November, because it gives me such a boost to get it done so quickly and because it’s so fun to spend a month with other writers pounding away at the keyboard! After writing a good scene, I always feel energetic and happy.

Once I get to the end, I rewrite a time or two, and then edit. Sometimes during the rewrite I make some major changes that I didn’t think of until halfway through the first draft, and sometimes the second draft is just an edited first draft, depending on how well I planned it out before I started writing. I enjoy the editing process, but it’s always difficult to stop, and even after a story is done I tend to think of things to change several days later when it’s too late. A story is never really done, though. You just have to stop at some point and step away.

You can view Beth’s article on The Seattle Examiner. Found here:




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