Top Ten Rules for Writers

by Danica Winters

BTGN Marketing and Promotions Manager

It is many people’s dream to become a published author. On average only 2% of books written are ever picked up by traditional publishers.

What does that mean for you, the aspiring author?

It means that you must be prepared to submit the best manuscript possible to your desired publisher.

How does a not-yet-published author make their manuscript strong? What does it mean to be strong?

There are a thousand answers to that question, but here at BTGN first and foremost we look for a manuscript that grabs our attention and makes us want to keep reading. We want ideas that are FRESH, new, and marketable.

Aside from a strong concept, you must also have a professional quality to your writing. Do you misspell a word in your first paragraph? Do you have more passive sentences than a third grade classroom? Do you head-hop every paragraph? If yes to any of these questions, than it is unlikely you are ready for publication.


We strongly recommend attending writing classes and reading books on writing. Here are a few of our favorite books on writing:

Bird by Bird, Ann Lamott

Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, Renni Browne

On Writing Well, William Zissner

There are many, many more books that can help you with your writing, please feel free to leave a few you recommend in the comments section.

In addition, here are a few other Writing Tips for aspiring authors:

-Write the story in your heart, don’t write the story you think you should write. It’s obvious when a story/book is forced.

-Take your time and write the best book you can possibly write. Don’t compare yourself to the NYT authors , (most) have been writing for decades.

-Write everyday. Make your writing a priority. People who write once a week are not authors, they are note-takers. No professional author writes a book in one sitting. Writing a book is a daunting and self-actualizing process. It will hurt, it will require sacrifice, and there will be many days that you don’t want to write. Do it anyways. Writing is a bit like exercise, once you do it, the better you feel and the more empowered you become.

-Should you later find that the writing you did when you were uninspired is garbage, don’t be afraid to discard your words. Others will come.

-Backup your work. There is nothing like writing a 80,000 word novel only to lose it to the digital abyss.

-Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

-Do your research. The better the research, the better the book.




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